Keweenaw Christmas Training Camp
A holiday tradition and great opportunity to put in solid training before racing really kicks in. Three days of concentrated ski training to help improve your technique, fitness and race craft. Hosted by the Ski Tigers since 2003, this training camp is open to High School and Middle School skiers from WI and MI. The camp consists of two half days of training and a fun race on the last day (see schedule below). Each club sending athletes also provides one coach for every 6-8 athletes, and many teams bring alumni to help with coaching.
Camp Fee
$10 per athlete covers facilities and additional grooming support for relays. (If paying by check, please make checks out to Copper Country Ski Tigers.)
Trail Pass information - Skiers are asked to purchase a day-pass at the trail head (see below). Please encourage families who come along to purchase day passes at the areas you use since this offsets the costs required to maintain our local trail systems.
MTU - Michigan Tech, as of 2019, requires skiers age 13-17 and adults to purchase a trail pass for use ($15/day or $50/season (13-17 yrs.)). Children 12 and under may use the trails at no charge. The purchase of a Michigan Tech day pass includes access to the Student Development Complex (for showers, sauna, etc.)
Swedetown Trails does not charge for use by skiers under 18. Daily passes can be purchased in the chalet for $10
Passes can be bought at the trailheads and Michigan Tech SDC office and through this link:
2024 Schedule:
Friday, December 27, 2024 (All times are EST)
Location: MTU main Trailhead - Skating
9 AM-12 PM Travel to Houghton or On Your Own Training Session
1:00-3:30 pm Michigan Tech Trails
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Location: Swedetown Trails - Classic
AM - On Your Own Training Session
1:00 PM - 3:30 PM - Swedetown
Please plan to arrive at Swedetown by 12:15 in order to have time to apply/test kick wax and find training groups with the goal of skiing by 1:00. Parking will be at a premium because it is prime sledding and skiing season. Please park on the RIGHT SIDE OF THE DRIVEWAY ONLY (if you need to). This allows cars to pass and skiers to walk safely to the trail head.
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Location: MTU main Trailhead - Fun time-trial race
9 AM - 12 Noon - MTU Trails
1 pm - Leave for home or On Your Own Training Session
Each team that sends a group of athletes is expected to provide one coach for every 6-8 athletes. Each year, several teams add alumni to the coaching pool. The more the merrier!
If you have not yet sent your roster, please enter your team directly to this shared 2024 Roster spreadsheet by December 21st. Be sure to enter information in the white cells only for each athlete and coach who will participate from your club. Included in the spreadsheet is a guideline for the ski ability seed groups. Please be critical in these assignments since they are used to provide appropriate level training activities for your athletes.
Meals and Accommodations
Meals are 'on-your-own'. Teams make their own lodging arrangements at a variety of local accommodations (cabins, hotels, etc). Local contact information can be found at
For more information contact: Mike Young ([email protected])
Last Updated 11/25/2024
Camp Fee
$10 per athlete covers facilities and additional grooming support for relays. (If paying by check, please make checks out to Copper Country Ski Tigers.)
Trail Pass information - Skiers are asked to purchase a day-pass at the trail head (see below). Please encourage families who come along to purchase day passes at the areas you use since this offsets the costs required to maintain our local trail systems.
MTU - Michigan Tech, as of 2019, requires skiers age 13-17 and adults to purchase a trail pass for use ($15/day or $50/season (13-17 yrs.)). Children 12 and under may use the trails at no charge. The purchase of a Michigan Tech day pass includes access to the Student Development Complex (for showers, sauna, etc.)
Swedetown Trails does not charge for use by skiers under 18. Daily passes can be purchased in the chalet for $10
Passes can be bought at the trailheads and Michigan Tech SDC office and through this link:
2024 Schedule:
Friday, December 27, 2024 (All times are EST)
Location: MTU main Trailhead - Skating
9 AM-12 PM Travel to Houghton or On Your Own Training Session
1:00-3:30 pm Michigan Tech Trails
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Location: Swedetown Trails - Classic
AM - On Your Own Training Session
1:00 PM - 3:30 PM - Swedetown
Please plan to arrive at Swedetown by 12:15 in order to have time to apply/test kick wax and find training groups with the goal of skiing by 1:00. Parking will be at a premium because it is prime sledding and skiing season. Please park on the RIGHT SIDE OF THE DRIVEWAY ONLY (if you need to). This allows cars to pass and skiers to walk safely to the trail head.
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Location: MTU main Trailhead - Fun time-trial race
9 AM - 12 Noon - MTU Trails
1 pm - Leave for home or On Your Own Training Session
Each team that sends a group of athletes is expected to provide one coach for every 6-8 athletes. Each year, several teams add alumni to the coaching pool. The more the merrier!
If you have not yet sent your roster, please enter your team directly to this shared 2024 Roster spreadsheet by December 21st. Be sure to enter information in the white cells only for each athlete and coach who will participate from your club. Included in the spreadsheet is a guideline for the ski ability seed groups. Please be critical in these assignments since they are used to provide appropriate level training activities for your athletes.
Meals and Accommodations
Meals are 'on-your-own'. Teams make their own lodging arrangements at a variety of local accommodations (cabins, hotels, etc). Local contact information can be found at
For more information contact: Mike Young ([email protected])
Last Updated 11/25/2024