The Copper Country Ski Tigers were well represented at this year's Jr Birkie which took place in Hayward, WI - the home of the American Birkibiener. Temps were in the single digits but the kids were ready to ski. The U12/U14 boys started off the event skiing the 3Km course that finished on main street in downtown Hayward. Joe Wood and Caleb Sanders finished 19th and 26th respectively in the U14 age group in a field of 49 skiers. Noah Sanders and Mike Fraley finished 13th and 15th followed by Daniel Lyle and Matthew Fraley in 32nd and 41st in the U12 category. The U12/U14 girls were the next to head out on the coarse. Anabel Needham finished 2nd in the U14 age group only 2 seconds out of first followed by Grethen Haggenmiller in 8th. Kora Johnson led the girls in the U12 age group with a 6th place finish. She was followed by Autumn Eles in 17th place and Abbi Stone (not listed in the results yet due to technical difficulties, but she skied awesome). | Daniel Groeneveld and Thomas Lyle were the next Tigers off the line with U16 boys finishing 8th and 17th respectively. Sarah Lyle (U19) and Alana Eles (U8) dominated their age groups both finishing well ahead of the 2nd skier. Levi Stone finished 10th in the U10 boys 1.5km race. Several Ski Tigers also competed in the 3x800m relay which took place on Main Street. The boys team made up of Tim Stone, Dan Groeneveld and Ben Wood sported "retro" ski suits from the 90s as their costume and finished 2nd. Other teams included the Men in Black, Men in Back and the Tu-Tu's. The girls team made up of Sara Lyle, Abbi Stone and Anabel Needham finished 4th. Ben Wood and Tim Stone stayed an additional night to ski the Korterloppet on Saturday. Pics & Results |
Copper Country Ski Tigers |
Copper Country Ski Tigers | PO Box 512 | Hancock, MI 49930
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Copyright © 2017-2024 Copper Country Ski Tigers